Thank You For Ordering Iliotibial Band Syndrome Solution
Please watch this video:
In the video I go through these 7 Key Things you need to know about your order:
#1 – Download Details
All download details have been emailed to the email address you ordered with. It should be in your email box in about 15 minutes.
#2 – I Don’t See Your Email
Check the Trash or Junk folder of your email program. Your email program may have flagged the email as trash, spam or junk.
#3 – Add to Your Email Program
Please do add to your email program. This will allow me to send you updates of the program and other cool stuff.
#4 – If You Have Any Questions
Please email me at . I will get back to you within 48 hours / 2 business days. When emailing please include the name you ordered with, the email address you ordered with and your order number.
#5 – What Will Appear On My Credit Card
What will appear on your credit card is Healing Thro or Clickbank.
#6 – Unsubscribing from My Emails
Please note, if you unsubscribe from my emails, I won’t be able to send you updates of the program and other cool stuff.
#7 – Nothing Will Be Mailed to You
Remember, there is no need to wait for anything in the mail, as nothing will be mailed. You get instant access to the program and can download it to your computer, laptop, smart phone, iTouch, iPad or iPod right away and use it.
That is it.
Thank you and we will talk to you soon.
Rick Kaselj, MS
P.S. – Looking forward to hearing about your success with the program.